Zed Shaw, autor http serveru Mongrel (a take autor nemene zajimaveho zmrdozpytu hlavnich jmen Ruby on Rails komunity), pracuje na specialnim protokolu, kterym by rad nahradil IRC. Protokol se jmenuje Utu a mel by adresovat issue spojene s anonymitou inetu.
The Internet gives little people the power, confidence, and anonymity they need to abuse anyone they want without any fear of retribution.
In the real world you would tell them to screw off personally. You’d call the police. You’d move to the other side of the room and tell all your friends to ignore them. You’d punch them in the face for the things they said about you and your family. You’d never give anyone with that much acne control over anything in your life.
Cela implementace sestava z hubu, ktery vyhodnocuje nenavist (hate). Pokud nekoho nemusite, zaplatite poplatek v tzv. hashcash za to, ze na vas dana osoba nebude mluvit. Dana osoba pak, chce-li komunikovat, musi zaplatit soucet vsech hashcash poplatku vuci ni. Pokud je to vetsi suma, ma celkem smulu a je vymezena. Dulezite je, ze muzete takto omezit jen osobu, ktera na vas mluvila. Take plati, ze je nenavist dedicna, tedy sdilite nenavist pokud jste nenavidenou osobu sami do systemu prizvali.
Nejevi se to jako spatna myslenka do okamziku vytvoreni zmrdich subsystemu. Staci, kdyz donuti svou obet k reakci na nevinnou otazku a muzou ji penalizovat. Spolecne pak timto zpusobem dostanou ven kohokoliv, vcetne Zeda. 🙂